
Microsoft Reactors to bring local communities to Global Azure

We’re excited to confirm the Global Azure Days has once again partnered with Microsoft Reactor, to create another way for local communities to join the fun of the event.

Microsoft Reactors help developers and startups learn, connect, and build through local community engagement. Reactors are hubs to connect with local peers as well as industry-leading ideas and technology from Microsoft, partners, and the open source community. User groups can work with their local Reactor to host community events and Microsoft also delivers its own content, unique to each location and often in local language.

Map of Earth with Reactors marked

[Reactors marked on a world map]

With multiple locations all around the world, we’re excited to offer the opportunity to partner with a local Reactor, to host your Global Azure session. This could either be as a live stream hosted by the Reactor team, or as an in-person event, depending on the location. The Reactors supporting Global Azure Days are: London, Stockholm, Abu Dhabi, Shanghai, Sydney, Bengaluru, Redmond, San Francisco, New York, Toronto and Sao Paulo.

If you’d like to submit a talk or event, to be delivered in partnership with Microsoft Reactor, please complete this short form and someone from the local Reactor team will get in contact.

Your friendly admin team - @globalazure - @davidjrh@iamalexmang@noopman@rikhepworth@sjoukjezaal, @techielass@wesleycabus