Sessionize integration setup for local event organizers for 2022 edition If you looking for instructions on how to setup your local event on Sessionize to integrate your schedule with the Global Azure agenda available at you are in the right place. The objective is to promote through a single point your local community speakers and content, showing what is happening around the world during the #GlobalAzure event. We also want to allow each local organizer to manage its own event and its own premises. Your event, your rules. We asked some communities, we asked the folks at Sessionize, and after some whiteboard sessions, we implemented what somebody called "Sessionize event federation". Sounds funny right? David Rodríguez 2022Global AzureSessionize 2022-02-12 414 0
Sessionize integration setup for local event organizers If you looking for instructions on how to setup your local event on Sessionize to integrate your schedule with the Global Azure agenda available at you are in the right place. The objective is to promote through a single point your local community speakers and content, showing what is happening around the world during the #GlobalAzure event. We also want to allow each local organizer to manage its own event and its own premises. Your event, your rules. We asked some communities, we asked the folks at Sessionize, and after some whiteboard sessions, we implemented what somebody called "Sessionize event federation". Sounds funny right? David Rodríguez 2021Global AzureSessionize 2021-03-06 243 0