Can't get to an event? Get your Global Azure fix virtually! Global Azure is a worldwide event (the clue is in the name!) but even with communities taking part across six continents it doesn't mean that there is an event near you. Don't worry: The community has got you covered! Several of the events over the course of Global Azure 2023 will be streaming content, including those being held in the Microsoft Reactors. Rik Hepworth 2023Global Azure 2023-05-10 10 0
Announcing our Global Azure 2023 Cloud Skills Challenge We have a Cloud Skills Challenge for Global Azure 2023! Read more about how you can get involved and who it's for (spoiler: everyone) Luce Carter Global AzureLearnMicrosoft Learn 2023-05-10 47 0
Global Azure: The Community and Annual Event for Azure Users and Enthusiasts Worldwide The Global Azure Community is a network of individuals and organizations committed to advancing the use of Azure. They hold an annual event called Global Azure, which brings together communities of Azure users, experts, and enthusiasts to share knowledge and best practices. Attendees can participate in various activities such as technical sessions, workshops, hackathons, and networking events. The event is an excellent platform for attendees to connect with peers and experts in the Azure community. Global Azure 2023 will be held from May 11th to May 13th, with localized hybrid events and live streams organized worldwide. The event is a must-attend for anyone interested in Azure, offering unparalleled learning and networking opportunities. Humphrey azure passFAQGlobal Azure 2023-05-10 13 0
Announcing our Global Azure 2023 Microsoft Learn Mega Collection! Is Azure something you want to learn more about? Are you the kind of person that likes to confirm your understanding of technologies? This year, Global Azure has you covered! Luce Carter 2023-05-09 20 1
Microsoft is sponsoring Azure Passes for Global Azure 2023 Microsoft is sponsoring Global Azure by providing Azure Passes worth $100 for attendees to access Azure services and tools. To obtain the pass, attendees must attend a Global Azure event, obtain an event code, and then enter it on the Azure Pass website to unlock the sponsorship. The number of passes is limited, and Microsoft suggests activating them immediately to ensure effective sponsorship use. Azure Passes allow attendees to explore Azure services and tools without costs and gain valuable experience with Azure. Abdul azure passGlobal AzureSponsors 2023-05-09 107 0
Engineering a chain reaction: Global Azure at the Microsoft Reactors We've always had a great relationship with Microsoft throughout all the years we have run Global Azure. This year, Microsoft offered the support of leveraging their Reactor spaces worldwide to help with Global Azure 2023. Located in major cities around the world and accessible online, the Reactors provide free content for the broader developer community and in 12 locations around the globe, space for Microsoft and community-led events year round. Rik Hepworth 2023Global Azure 2023-05-05 15 0
Animated Global Azure Logos We at Global Azure have some super exciting news! We have recently been provided some amazing animated Global Azure logos by Rainer Stropek, one of the organisers of Global Azure Austria, and the GA Austria design team. They are providing them to be used in promotional material for any Global Azure location, for free! We want to say a huge thank you to Rainer and the GA Austria design team for their work and for contributing to the community in such an awesome way. Check out Rainer’s message to the community below to see what inspired the team and where you can access these new logos! Jennifer Holland 2023-05-03 14 0
Sessionize integration setup for local event organizers for 2023 edition If you looking for instructions on how to setup your local event on Sessionize to integrate your schedule with the Global Azure agenda available at you are in the right place. The objective is to promote through a single point your local community speakers and content, showing what is happening around the world during the #GlobalAzure event. We also want to allow each local organizer to manage its own event and its own premises. Your event, your rules. We asked some communities, we asked the folks at Sessionize, and after some whiteboard sessions, we implemented what somebody called "Sessionize event federation". Sounds funny right? David Rodriguez 2023-02-03 345 0
Welcome to Global Azure 2023! It is fascinating to see how our event, the event of all global Azure communities, which was originally called "Windows Azure Bootcamp", has set a new global standard for community happenings. There are so many community events now named "Global {something} Bootcamp." It is not wrong to state that Global Azure put "global" into community. Today, it is quite common to do a tech community event on a global scale, or not at all. We are so happy and proud to be part of this community of global Azure enthusiast - community leaders, speakers, and learners! Magnus 2023Global Azure 2023-02-03 764 0
#HowTo #GlobalAzure We want to join the fun with Global Azure - we are also interested in learning more about Azure during the global event. What do we do? That is in fact easy - here is how: You can quickly join your community of eager Azure learners to the event - and drop your pin on the Global Azure pin map! Any technical community is free to join - as long as your event for Global Azure is about... Azure! Your event is yours, and the content that you have, and the setup you have, is completely yours to arrange as works for you! You can post your community sessions that will take place in-person or virtually during Global Azure. As a speaker you can also join your own session on your own and share your knowledge from anywhere! David Rodriguez FAQGlobal AzureHowTo 2023-02-02 991 0